Friday, March 5, 2010

I think this is an amazing image (from today's Guardian) of a small bird lightly perched on razor wire. I don't see any blood.
My guess is that the very delicacy of the perch is what keeps the bird safe.
There's a worthy ambition: to light so softly on the negative aspects of life and thus be unharmed by their potency.
It is an important lesson and one I need to take to heart after more than a few recent heavy landings.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

You say labyrinth, I say maze....

Hard to imagine a more contrasting example of a British maze than this one, recently built to overlook a lovely bit of British coastline.
People say the design above is Celtic, and anything is possible, of course, but these classic spirals date back to the heady days of King Minos and that disagreeable Minotaur.
The Athenian architect Daedalus, on the run from the law at home, built the king a labyrinth to house his monster but betrayed its' secret to the lovers, Theseus and Ariadne and in punishment was himself imprisoned within the maze with his son, Icarus, potential dinner for the always willing Minotaur.

One could easily conjecture that this incident was the first in the unending line of unsettling disagreements between contractors and clients.

This is the classic Circuit Labyrinth design: